Steel Potting V... #139674
Commercial Fishing Boats - Over 15m
Den Oever, Netherlands
Findafishingboat.com will never ask for a payment by phone. Users can rely on the secure online payment system
Great site to sell many thanks – Leslie D
Great facility. Well worth using to advertise what you are selling to the fishing community
Many thanks for all the nenquiries, more than 50! The boat is now sold. Appologies if I have not responded to everyone.
Very helpful ,great response ,great site 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 – Tim B
Now sold after several enquiries.
Marine Equipment & Services, Licences, Quotas, Irish Tonnage
Lobster crab po...
£60 + VAT per unit Ashington
Net rigging
£50 + VAT per unit Ashington
KW 172
Offers North Sheilds
Mercruiser brav...
£1,500 Eastbourne East...
CAT A under 10...
Offers Brixham
Stormline. Elka...
POA Paignton
Guy Cotten Wate...
POA Online
Work Boots, Saf...
POA +VAT Paignton
Quality Ropes,...
POA Devon
AAA LED deck li...
£41.50 + VAT per unit Cardiff
Refrigerated Co...
£8,800 + VAT Grimsby
£41.50 + VAT per unit Cardiff
3.6 foot Dunbar...
£450 Esinburgh
8 fathom grass...
£400 Edinburgh
72" High Standi...
POA Lowestoft
YANMAR Diesel 3...
POA per unit Klaipeda
Net Clearer/Fla...
POA +VAT Cornwall
Bait Boxes
POA +VAT Scarborough
Perkins Starter...
£400 Woodbridge
150gr-6in WEEDL...
POA per unit Portland
Outboard Propel...
POA Amesbury, Salis...
Perkins 4108 en...
£2,000 per unit ono Arbroath
POA Sunderland