FAFB will never ask for payment by phone. Users can rely on the secure online payment system.
Yes it's gone thanks for your help
Great site for selling boats sold my boat within a week and had loads of enquiries I would highly recommend this site – Robert G
Best place to sell your boat sold ours in 1 week – David A
Excellent service FAFB
My boat was only on FAFB for a week. Several enquiries and sold for close to asking price. Brilliant! – Alan H
Very positive feedback from advert
very good
Good site sold quickly – MICHAEL L
Always a good site to sell and buy boats and fishing gear from – Graham B
Excellent service from FAFB
Sold in days brilliant well done FAFB
Sold in days brilliant well done FAFB
Sold my boat through FAFB to the first man that came to view it. – iain s
Thank you fafb. I wouldn't use anyone else. Regards
Excellent site. Canβt beat it. Highly recommend if buying or selling..
Great site to sell many thanks – Leslie D
FAFB are brilliant and very helpfull
Great facility. Well worth using to advertise what you are selling to the fishing community
Sold boat within 1 hr of listing
Excellent site for selling a boat
fantastic website. easy to navigate & use. – Roger M
An amazing site reach the whole industry five stars from me – brian t
Sold within 2 days of advertising great boat site – Malcolm R
Very efficient site and boat was sold – Kim M
FAFB perfect place to sell and buy boats basically a Fishermans hub!
Excellent site
Good place to sell your fishing boat
Offers still coming sold it privately but should have waited
You are all 100%, A1, just the best. – alan j
Sold finally. Phew!
Thanks Dave took a while to sell INTREPID , So many Dreamers out there and TIME wasters . but she sold now , local lad from MUSSELBURGH BOUGHTBHER. CHEERS CHARLE JOHNSTONE.
Excellent website .. easy to use & navigate around.. – Roger M
Good site to sell
Great site!
Great site many sales using this web site for many / many years – Alex Clark C
Very good site , this is the third boat I've sold through FAFB
We got there, but itβs a difficult market for selling right now. Still a great platform to promote and sell your boat on.
Quick and easy to use
Great site will use it again hopefully to buy.
As always, a much viewed and thus useful site to sell a boat.
Now sold after several enquiries.
Excellent site. I had lots of response from serious buyers
Perfect thanks – raymond m
fafb came up trumps again – john e
Once again this site has helped me to sell a boat very quickly Thankyou – Alasdair M
A1 sold my boat in a week
Boat sold quickly, thanks FAFBπ
Sold straight away thanks – raymond m
Very helpful ,great response ,great site ππ»ππ»ππ» – Tim B
Sold very quickly after advertising. Thank you
The only place to sell a commercial fishing boat. Lots of hits and a number of viewers. Will use again.
The very best site to sell a boat and I have successfully used FAFB on several occasions over the years.
Excellant service, sold almost immediately. Many thanks
Excellent site
Had a very good experience with an Irish based buyer, provide me with a proper bill of sale and no issues with the bank. Thanks to FAFB. Many thanks Sidney van der Harst – Sid v
Great place to sell and buy boats
An excellent site for advertising your boat. Easy to view. Reasonable advertising rates. – John S
Thank you fafb for another successful sale in these difficult times. Best site for weeding out most of the scammers & dreamers – Steve V
Thanks boat sold quite quickly
Great service provided , thank you you for great service – dugald f
Sold thanks
Good web site easy to use had lots of veiws
Boat sold within 2 days and I had plenty interest thanks to FAFB which made the sale and advert so easy. All the very best to the buyer. Fair winds. Thanks to all for your interest. – David A
Many thanks for all the nenquiries, more than 50! The boat is now sold. Appologies if I have not responded to everyone.
Good site to get bigger professional audience and buyers.
Many thanks for your help to get a buyer!
fafb sells boats and gear quicker than any other for a very reasonable rate – anton h
Great websiteβ¦ once again helped us to sell our boat ππͺπ»ππ» – milo p
Great web page sold to first reply thanks
Excellent service and site
Thanks for your help π
Even better than i hoped for. Top man! Thanks
Thank-you for your help all good this end
I've been a fan of FAFB for a long time. You've sold 2 boats for me prior to this and I view the site daily. With luck I'll find the next one there in due course
I'm delighted to say that this enquiry has now resulted in a sale. It was extremely kind of you to forward it - I'm ever so grateful