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Advertisers ! Remember as well as emailing your enquiries FAFB also backs up all enquiries in your FAFB account

by FAFB 5th October 2023

Advertisers ! Remember – all enquiries about your adverts are sent to your email account and also backed up in your FAFB account. To make sure you are not missing any email enquiries, log in to your FAFB account, open My FAFB and click “View Enquiries”.

All enquiries to live adverts sent through the contact form are also backed up here, showing ID number of your advert and the contact details of the person making the enquiry, as well as a copy of the actual enquiry.

This is useful if your email settings are putting some of your emails into your spam folder, or if you can't access your own email system for any reason.

Also, to be sure you're not missing any enquiries, tick the box Receive Texts to get text alerts – this feature can be found in your personal details – login, then click Edit My Details.