Whelker/Crabber #136836
Commercial Fishing Boats - 12-15m
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Findafishingboat.com will never ask for a payment by phone. Users can rely on the secure online payment system
Excellent service FAFB
An amazing site reach the whole industry five stars from me – brian t
Excellent website .. easy to use & navigate around.. – Roger M
Good web site easy to use had lots of veiws
Marine Equipment & Services, Licences, Quotas, Irish Tonnage
Doosan V158tis...
£15,000 + VAT Fort william
POA per unit Hartlepool
TeaMate Water B...
POA +VAT Hants
Yamaha 115 HP f...
£2,750 + VAT per unit ono Exmouth, Devon
FPT Marine Engi...
POA Forres, Scotlan...
Iveco Daily 35...
£15,000 + VAT ono Aberdeen
Mercury Outboar...
POA Forres, Scotlan...
**1 YEAR FREE A...
£665 + VAT National
Marine Diagnost...
£65 Forres, Scotlan...
Fishing Vessel...
John Deere Mari...
POA Scotland
"New Product" M...
£99 + VAT South Devon
£37.50 + VAT Bovey tracey
Pot Accessories
POA Paignton
Mustang Net Bin...
£102 + VAT per unit South Devon
RD 910-022 coup...
£150 per unit Great Yarmouth
Scania engine s...
£500 ono Great Yarmouth
20 litres of Jo...
£170 Northwest
Marine Winch Ba...
POA Cumbernauld
£950 Great Yarmouth
2 x YANMAR 6LPA...
POA Klaipeda
Furuno fcv1900
£3,500 Portavogie
Stornoway Plast...
POA Online shop
Prawn pots
£65 + VAT Blyth